Sunday, September 8, 2013

Ever since I can remember, movies have been a part of my life. They have been a source of joy and inspiration for me. No matter what mood I happen to be in, I can always count on a good movie to provide me a brief escape into the great world of cinema.

Some of my all time favorite movies include Casablanca, Rebel Without a Cause, and the Artist; however, I don’t think that I have a greater appreciation for a film than I do for Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho. I fell in love with Psycho’s moody camera angles, gripping story plot, and haunting score. Anthony Perkins’ portrayal of Norman Bates, an average boy-next-door motel owner with a dark secret, has become one of my favorite filmic personas of all time. Psycho helped solidify my admiration for Sir Alfred Hitchcock, a true master of suspense.

I am grateful to live in a time where movies are so easy to access. I grew up using VHS tapes and DVDs. Nowadays; movies can be streamed online, rented through one’s TV, even viewed from one’s cell phone. No matter what time of day, no matter what day of the week it is, I can watch a movie with little difficulty. I love movies. Movies are a part of who I am. 

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